Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Last Round!

Glorify the Lord with me;
let us exalt his name together.
Psalm 34:3 (NIV)

So I’m sitting in a chemo treatment chair for my last round of chemo!  By the time you read this, two major surgeries and twelve rounds of chemo will be behind me!  In fact, it sounded weird to hear the oncologist say, at our meeting last Friday, that “this is the last time I’ll see you for three months”.  It feels exciting, since it feels like it’s been a long, hard road even though it’s actually been less than a year.  Unfortunately, it’s hard not to be haunted by the fact that 1) the probability of recurrence within the next five years is 60-80%, and 2) my Mom’s cancer came back within three months and took her quickly after that, but for now I am looking forward to a period of health.

Note to self:  if you’re determined to live through a stomach bug, avoid doing that over a chemo-recovery weekend!  Yes, a stomach bug went through our household over the last couple of weeks, and, maybe due to reduced immunity, it got me just as I was going down with chemo.  Usually I get my chemo on Wednesday and then start to fade out late Friday and come out of it Sunday.  This last time it was like someone flipped a switch Friday mid-afternoon.  I was working and then a sledge hammer hit me and I was in bed.  For the next several days it was all I could do to crawl the commute between the bed (or my chair) and the throne, which I had to do numerous times daily (occasionally numerous times hourly).  It wasn’t until the next Thursday that I finally started feeling better.  Needless to say, that was one of my worst recovery times since the beginning of this journey.  Anyway, I’m optimistic that this time will not be that bad.

Since then I’ve been feeling quite good, and I anticipate a couple of good days, then chemo-recovery (which typically consists of a whole lot of sleep), and then things will start looking brighter again, hopefully for many years to come!

And to celebrate the end of chemo, our family is going to try to scrape together our pennies and take a short road trip to the coast.  Coincidentally, the May long weekend marks a year since our family has gone on any kind of trip together, and for those of you that know me, you’ll know that’s practically an eternity.  Our vacation plans for last summer fell through, and we may not be able to afford a “real” vacation for a while yet, but I’m determined at least to take a long weekend away.  I’m hoping and praying it will be a good weekend of family time and time to acknowledge how God has taken us through this last year.

So, I’m sure I’ll send more updates in the future, but it may not be quite as regular.  Until next time, God bless!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

God is good! All the time!

I’m back in the familiar chemo chair undergoing my second last treatment.  The end is in sight, and that is something I’m sure looking forward to by now!  My last treatment is April 30.  The treatments certainly haven’t been as bad as before Christmas, but I’m still looking forward to recovering more completely.  I find myself happy that spring has (mostly) arrived, and I’m looking forward to summer.  I’ve been lucky enough to be able to walk around our lake a few times in the last week.  That is such a treat.  It feels like a bit of an accomplishment to be able to walk all the way around, when at Christmas I couldn’t even make it the length of the mall without stopping for a break!  I feel it when I’m done, but I can make it.  It’s also a treat because I’ve been walking while Brodie jogs.  He makes three laps, and I make one, but it still feels like it’s something we’re doing together.  Maybe someday soon I’ll be able to do that too! :-)

The last two weeks have been particularly nice due to visits from friends.  From a simple movie at our house, to coffee or lunch, to a road-trip to the US, to a couple of days of Settlers of Catan, it’s been wonderful to be able to spend some time with people we love.

And there is more good news to report.  God has really undertaken where my emotions are concerned.  I wouldn’t say that the depression/anxiety is completely gone, but it’s so much better.  I still have some trouble sleeping (especially falling asleep), but it’s not nearly as tortured as it was.  What’s particularly nice is that not only have I been able to work (37 hours last week!), but I’m regaining the joy of working, and am able to look forward to another day of work.  I know not everyone shares my feeling on this, but work, for me, is a blessing.

And God has provided in incredible ways where our finances are concerned.  The likelihood of bankruptcy is still there, but God has been giving us even more than our daily bread.  Many of you have been generous beyond belief, and we are more thankful than we’ll ever be able to express!

Anyway, thanks again for listening, and like I said last time, I’d love to hear from you as well (though I may be very slow to reply).

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Not much to report

So, whereas it’s been two weeks since my last update, I don’t feel like I have much to report. Chemo continues (I had another session today), but I reported most of my news on that front in my last update.  The good news is that my last treatment may have been my easiest one yet.  Yes, there was a bit of fatigue, but much less than the ones before my last surgery (and no hiccups!).  I think the tingling in my fingers is getting a little worse, but not really much.  The doctor feels we should press on.  And, after today’s visit, only *2 left*!

Other than that, the last two weeks have been relatively uneventful.  I’m managing to work, though I’m getting in less than half the hours I’m used to.  However, there’s a break in Brodie’s hockey now, so I’m optimistic that may go up a bit.  Speaking of Brodie’s hockey, unfortunately his season ended on a bit of a sad note – he didn’t make the Alberta Cup team, but he seems to be handling it better than we’d expected.

I re-read the book of Job last week, and I’m hoping this doesn’t come across as clichéd, but… I’d like to echo Job:  “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21 NIV)  Of course, that may sound a bit more negative than I mean to come across.  After all, another piece of good news is that my moods/emotional state are slowly improving!  “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (KJV)  Also, God continues to provide in ways that surprise us and keep us praising Him.

Hey – I’d love to hear from you as well.  I may not respond quickly (as I mentioned last time, I’m behind in my email responses), but I do enjoy hearing from friends/family. :-)